Coming from one who has been predominantly a self learner,the time is nearing for me to share,teach and spread the trade of dressmaking/sewing. Oh yes, I have been thru higher education,but the most beneficial learning I have ever been engaged in was self driven. Nothing can replace one's drive to learn when the desire exists. So I have decided to use technology,and good ole fashion methods to propagate the trade and teach future enthusiasts the skill. It is imperative that information and knowledge be shared and not kept secret. While the class structures will be a work in progress,join me in my journey to spread the love of sewing and the satisfaction of making a timeless,well constructed fitted garment. I plan on teaching private students ,however, I also want to offer the info in a more comprehensive manner using technology and offering online classes. Keep checking the new category on the website home page for updated info and start thinking about what your first project is going to be. I can't wait to share the wealth with all you sewing enthusiasts. If you've ever been curious about sewing,Welcome to sewing and take a class.